STAMP FAKING çddf,faa,afa,aaf,faf,ffa,aff ¢ STAMP FAKING MADE EASY. ³ by d-Orb/tPHA. ¹I have read quite a lot of articles lately dealing with the stamps subject. I have been dealing with the subject for quite a long time, and I now have the facts. There are plenty of methods, which, depending on the country, are more or less effective. The basis is that you don't pay for your stamps, or at least, that you don't spend so much money on stamps. ²a) Sello tape:¹ one of the lamest. Take a Scotch Magic roll, and wrap your stamp with it. It usually works, and stamps are more or less everlasting. It's really easy to detect, and well, I wouldn't use it, unless you're living in a very big city without electronic sorting facilities. ²b)Nail enamel: ¹ This is quite a good one. Cover your stamp with nail enamel. When it's nearly dry, press it agains your hand. With the small wrinkles there, you will print a pattern on the cover that will disguise the otherwise bright stamp. Do not apply too much: a little bit is more than enough, but make sure it covers everything. ¶²c)Glue: ¹ Similar to b. Instead of nail enamel, use some kind of glue stick, such as Uhu, or Pelikan. As this isn't bright, you won't need to press your hand against it. Take care, as sometimes the glue is still sticky when dried. I have received letters with pieces of paper stuck on the stamp, and that should be quite evident. ²d)Plastifying:¹ OK, this is a simple one, but quite expensive. It's not a very good one, but it sortta works. Combine with some other method, and the effect should be great. Buy a plastifying card, place the stamp inside, and iron it. There you are. Cut out the excess of plastic, and apply something to add realism to your artwork. ²e)Spraying: ¹Some kind of plastifying spray. I don't know much about it, because it's unavailible in Spain. Anyway, if you know something, let me know. ²f)Cream: ¹ Use Eric Clapton instead, HUH? Just some kind of paranoia. Good, go to a chemist's, and ask for a gel for your spots. Tell the lady to give you some kind of transparent one. In Spain, we have one which is wonderful, nobody will notice it. If you find it, apply a VERY THIN layer, otherwise, a whiteish plaster will form, and your stamp will be ruined for ever. It's my favorite, given that a 500 Pts. tube (4.50 Us$) will ¶last for at least one or two years! ²g)Pamphlet:¹ You know, everybody receives them, those mail offers which come with a "post today to get the free gift" envelope, and instead of a stamp have a "Port paid" thingy. OK, insead of the name of the company, get your correspondent's address, and there you are. A good way to get 'em is to write to Time magazine, Newsweek or any of these in order to get information. I get a couple of this envelopes every week. You may also cut out the "port paid" sign and stick it onto your envelope. ²h)Belfo-system: ¹ Okay, write your correspondent's address in as if it was the sender. Then, write your name and address in the place provided for the correspondent's address. Alternatively, write your correspondent's address in both places. Of course, do NEVER place a stamp on these letters. And, realize that, obviously, this method won't work for international correspondence. When your contact sends the stamps back, you must recover them. Do as follows: ²-Methods A-F:¹ Cut out the stamp from the envelope, keeping a small frame around the stamp. Place it in hot water, and gently rub the stamp. In about five minutes, your stamp should be clean again, and unstuck of the ¶piece of envelope. Place, then onto a glass surface, such as a window, in order to dry. ²-Methods G & H:¹ What did you expect? You won't get'em back, man. ¼Personally, the method I use is the following: ¹-I buy one of the cheapest stamps around -I place some sellotape ON the BACK of the stamp, in order to strenghten it a bit. -I apply my Cream on top -And sometimes, inside the square with our "beloved" king, I apply some Scotch Magic too. Over it, more Cream (with Eric Clapton..) You won't have any problems if you follow this last method. I've used stamps faked like this for around 10 times, and they are still working. And, if by any reason, you'd like to contact me for swapping illegal, any kind of arcane text philes, or for stamp faking, or whatever, feel free to do so. My address is on the ad's. And you're free to use faked stamps!